Жезлы Гора

The Mechanism by which
the Wands of Horus act

As soon as we pick up the Wands of Horus several parallel processes begin simultaneously.
As soon as we pick up the Wands of Horus several parallel processes begin simultaneously.
One of the most important component of the mechanism by which the Wands of Horus act is the effect of synchronization of energy structure (vibrations of energy shells) of human being with energy structure (vibrations of aura) of the Earth. This follows from hermetic and simaltaniously from cosmoplanetary principal of "Similarity", laying in the base of ancient Egyptian doctrine of structural unity of the Human Being, the Earth and the Universe.

The same idea found its reflection in "Emerald tablet of Hermes", whcih points directly to necessaty of synchronization with energies of the Earth, as the source of that energies:

"And as all things proceeded from the One through the agency of the One, so were all things born of this single essence through adaptation (that is, synchronization)"

"KA (Yang) is the father of this essence, BA (Yin) its mother. The energy vortex carried it in its womb. The Earth is the source of that energy.

"This 'Energy' is the father of all manner of perfection in the whole Universe. Its strength remains whole when it is being structured. You separate structuring energy from stimulating energy, its subtle form from the crude once, carefully and with great skill.

"This 'energy' rises from the Earth to the heaven and descends again to the Earth, acquiring the properties of both the highest and the lowest energy planes (energy shells). Using this mechanism you shall obtain the properties belonging to the energy shells of the Universe. As a result you will be freed of any imbalances (all evil).

"This 'energy' is the force of all forces, because it is capable of transforming any, even the most refined thing and penetrating any solid thing. Thus was the World created. By this way wonderful forms will arise, the mechanism of which is such."

How can we transfer the vibrations radiated by the Earth onto human being...
One of the most important component of the mechanism by which the Wands of Horus act is the effect of synchronization of energy structure (vibrations of energy shells) of human being with energy structure (vibrations of aura) of the Earth. This follows from hermetic and simaltaniously from cosmoplanetary principal of "Similarity", laying in the base of ancient Egyptian doctrine of structural unity of the Human Being, the Earth and the Universe.

The same idea found its reflection in "Emerald tablet of Hermes", whcih points directly to necessaty of synchronization with energies of the Earth, as the source of that energies:

"And as all things proceeded from the One through the agency of the One, so were all things born of this single essence through adaptation (that is, synchronization)"

"KA (Yang) is the father of this essence, BA (Yin) its mother. The energy vortex carried it in its womb. The Earth is the source of that energy.

"This 'Energy' is the father of all manner of perfection in the whole Universe. Its strength remains whole when it is being structured. You separate structuring energy from stimulating energy, its subtle form from the crude once, carefully and with great skill.

"This 'energy' rises from the Earth to the heaven and descends again to the Earth, acquiring the properties of both the highest and the lowest energy planes (energy shells). Using this mechanism you shall obtain the properties belonging to the energy shells of the Universe. As a result you will be freed of any imbalances (all evil).

"This 'energy' is the force of all forces, because it is capable of transforming any, even the most refined thing and penetrating any solid thing. Thus was the World created. By this way wonderful forms will arise, the mechanism of which is such."

How can we transfer the vibrations radiated by the Earth onto human being...
The effect of electromagnetic induction
Human beings are an inseparable part of the ecosystem and, as such, profoundly dependent on their environment. The Earth, as a living organism, has created special energo-ecological conditions, in the 'lap' of which all living things have been born and are developing. As soon as we begin to distance ourselves from nature it has a negative effect on our health.

All vital processes in nature take place at the level of the interaction of electromagnetic fields. Therefore the weak currents of natural origin induced on the Wands of Horus begin to act on the nerve endings located in the palms when we pick up the wands.

Human beings are an inseparable part of the ecosystem and, as such, profoundly dependent on their environment. The Earth, as a living organism, has created special energo-ecological conditions, in the 'lap' of which all living things have been born and are developing. As soon as we begin to distance ourselves from nature it has a negative effect on our health.

All vital processes in nature take place at the level of the interaction of electromagnetic fields. Therefore the weak currents of natural origin induced on the Wands of Horus begin to act on the nerve endings located in the palms when we pick up the wands.

Back at the beginning of the last century Academician A.V. Leontovich discovered that a nerve takes the form of a cylindrical capacitor with its own self-induction. Accordingly, the natural currents induced on the nerve endings acts on a substance in the nerve filaments that is an electrolyte with a highly complex chemistry.

The natural electromagnetic wave induced on the nerve endings has a stimulating effect on the entire nervous system, initiating complex electrochemical processes that lead to a general stabilisation of the nervous system. (Detailed information about the action of the Wands of Horus on the nervous system will be given in the medical instructions for the use of the Wands of Horus).

Back at the beginning of the last century Academician A.V. Leontovich discovered that a nerve takes the form of a cylindrical capacitor with its own self-induction. Accordingly, the natural currents induced on the nerve endings acts on a substance in the nerve filaments that is an electrolyte with a highly complex chemistry.

The natural electromagnetic wave induced on the nerve endings has a stimulating effect on the entire nervous system, initiating complex electrochemical processes that lead to a general stabilisation of the nervous system. (Detailed information about the action of the Wands of Horus on the nervous system will be given in the medical instructions for the use of the Wands of Horus).

The galvanic effect
As you probably know, copper and zinc are a galvanic couple. As soon as you take the cylinders in your two hands a potential difference of 0.8–1 volt, sometimes more, forms between them. The magnetic and electrical field acts effectively on the blood because it is made up of electrically charged particles. Any chemical reaction in our bodies comes down to the interaction of charged particles.

The main electrochemical parameter of the blood (pH) is determined by the number of positive electrical charges carried by positive hydrogen ions in proportion to the number of negative electrical charges carried by hydroxyl ions ( OH-). If there are the same number of positive and negative charges, then overall the blood is electrically neutral, since charges of opposite sign cancel each other out. This is the optimal state necessary for the normal functioning of the organism. It is in this state that many vital processes can proceed (such as the breaking down of proteins). Changes in the ratio of positive and negative ions, produced, for example, as a result of solar and magnetic storms, lead to a whole number of seriousfunctional disruptions in the organism.

The presence of a potential difference formed between the wands causes the process of balancing out (harmonizing) the ratio of charged particles.

The stimulation by the electric current formed between the Wands of Horus encourages ATP synthesis, improves blood flow to the tissues and activates certain genes hitherto dormant in the molecules of DNA (Detailed information about the physicochemical processes that take place in the organism will be presented in a separate appendix to the instructions for use of the Wands of Horus).

As you probably know, copper and zinc are a galvanic couple. As soon as you take the cylinders in your two hands a potential difference of 0.8–1 volt, sometimes more, forms between them. The magnetic and electrical field acts effectively on the blood because it is made up of electrically charged particles. Any chemical reaction in our bodies comes down to the interaction of charged particles.

The main electrochemical parameter of the blood (pH) is determined by the number of positive electrical charges carried by positive hydrogen ions in proportion to the number of negative electrical charges carried by hydroxyl ions ( OH-). If there are the same number of positive and negative charges, then overall the blood is electrically neutral, since charges of opposite sign cancel each other out. This is the optimal state necessary for the normal functioning of the organism. It is in this state that many vital processes can proceed (such as the breaking down of proteins). Changes in the ratio of positive and negative ions, produced, for example, as a result of solar and magnetic storms, lead to a whole number of seriousfunctional disruptions in the organism.

The presence of a potential difference formed between the wands causes the process of balancing out (harmonizing) the ratio of charged particles.

The stimulation by the electric current formed between the Wands of Horus encourages ATP synthesis, improves blood flow to the tissues and activates certain genes hitherto dormant in the molecules of DNA (Detailed information about the physicochemical processes that take place in the organism will be presented in a separate appendix to the instructions for use of the Wands of Horus).

The piezoelectric effect
(The Wands of Horus with quartz feelings)
The piezoelectric effect
(The Wands of Horus with quartz feelings)
The human organism is, as we know, a kind of electrical generator. When we pick up the wands we immediately pass our own electricity on to them. As a result of this and the galvanic effect a polarisation of the quartz crystals in the wands takes place. With the appearance of a potential difference between the ends of a crystal a mild excitement of its crystal lattice takes place. This results in an increase in the energy level of the crystal and the activity of the energy flow proceeding from the crystal.

At the same time, the potential difference arising between the ends of the crystal causes the appearance of electromagnetic oscillations across a broad spectrum — the piezoelectric effect. This property of quartz is used in quartz watches and quartz generators producing electromagnetic waves (oscillations) of amazing stability.

All the vital processes in the human organism are regulated by the hormonal system in which the hypothalamus and hypophysis play the role of both conductor and internal doctor. The weak electric signals produced by the hypothalamus-hypophysis system with the aid of which regulatory functions are carried out within the organism are intensified by coming into resonance with the electromagnetic oscillations generated by the quartz. The result is a singling out of those signals and vibrations required at that specific moment to correct and restore the biorhythms of the organs and systems of the organism. This is fundamentally important, since any violations in the organism begin with the disturbance of biorhythms.

According to the idea of the creators, the "Wands of Horus" are a kind of miniature model of certain energy processes taking place in the biosphere and the human environment. Lets see waht stans behind this model.

As soon as a difference in potentials appears at the ends of the quartz crystals, their polarization occurs, which leads to a weak excitation of their crystal lattice and the beginning of generation of certain electromagnetic oscillations (vibrations). The same process takes place in the bowels of our planet.

The Earth's crust contains about 72% quartz. Self-stimulation and polarisation of the quartz in the crust occurs through the constant spread through the Earth of acoustic waves and electrical discharges formed as a result of the deformation of the crust, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the tidal influence of the Sun, Moon and other planets.

As far back as the early 1940s the American physicist Thomas Townsend Brown established that (with the passage through them of cosmic radiation) many types of granite become electrically polarized, in other words they behave like galvanic cells or batteries. The potential difference can reach 700 millivolts, its size changing with the sidereal solar cycles.

By 1970 Brown had come to the conclusion that high-frequency gravitational radiation constantly generated by astronomical objects in outer space and captured by granite rocks, is also transformed into DC electricity.

As a result of these processes, the quartz in the crust, generating electromagnetic oscillations across a broad spectrum, creates an electromagnetic (energy) medium in which life exists and through which the interaction of all living things in the cosmos takes place.

This electromagnetic (energy) cocoon of the Earth is the carrier of oscillations associated with the source of life on Earth that stimulates the development of reason and numerous forms of life. It is this medium that is scanned by the alpha waves of the brain.

But the central factor in the process of mechanical action on the quartz in the core is so called 'Earth breathing'. Our planet 'breathes' like a living organism. The 'inhaling' and 'exhaling' are accompanied by propagation (passing) of special energetic impulse. This impulse generates a particular electromagnetic wave which has a strict period (cyclicality) that imparts a certain rhythm to all processes occurring in the biosphere and Noosphere. This rhythm plays a very important role in the life functions of the planet, determining the planet's own frequency in low-frequency range.

Through harmonic resonance and effect of an induction, electromagnetic and energetic waves of the Earth, are induced (transferred) to the Wands of Horus and to the person energy structure, render stimulating effect on the organism in whole (correction of biological rhythms). At the same time, when we hold the Wands of Horus in our hands, under the influence of the human biological field through the projection of the corresponding energetic centres, located in the palms, they begin to activate the 6th and 7th chakras, and the 6th and 7th energy structures connected to those chakras.

On the physical plane there is stimulation of the hypothalamus and hypophysis as they are projections of those energy centres in the physical human body.

The human organism is, as we know, a kind of electrical generator. When we pick up the wands we immediately pass our own electricity on to them. As a result of this and the galvanic effect a polarisation of the quartz crystals in the wands takes place. With the appearance of a potential difference between the ends of a crystal a mild excitement of its crystal lattice takes place. This results in an increase in the energy level of the crystal and the activity of the energy flow proceeding from the crystal.

At the same time, the potential difference arising between the ends of the crystal causes the appearance of electromagnetic oscillations across a broad spectrum — the piezoelectric effect. This property of quartz is used in quartz watches and quartz generators producing electromagnetic waves (oscillations) of amazing stability.

All the vital processes in the human organism are regulated by the hormonal system in which the hypothalamus and hypophysis play the role of both conductor and internal doctor. The weak electric signals produced by the hypothalamus-hypophysis system with the aid of which regulatory functions are carried out within the organism are intensified by coming into resonance with the electromagnetic oscillations generated by the quartz. The result is a singling out of those signals and vibrations required at that specific moment to correct and restore the biorhythms of the organs and systems of the organism. This is fundamentally important, since any violations in the organism begin with the disturbance of biorhythms.

According to the idea of the creators, the "Wands of Horus" are a kind of miniature model of certain energy processes taking place in the biosphere and the human environment. Lets see waht stans behind this model.

As soon as a difference in potentials appears at the ends of the quartz crystals, their polarization occurs, which leads to a weak excitation of their crystal lattice and the beginning of generation of certain electromagnetic oscillations (vibrations). The same process takes place in the bowels of our planet.

The Earth's crust contains about 72% quartz. Self-stimulation and polarisation of the quartz in the crust occurs through the constant spread through the Earth of acoustic waves and electrical discharges formed as a result of the deformation of the crust, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the tidal influence of the Sun, Moon and other planets.

As far back as the early 1940s the American physicist Thomas Townsend Brown established that (with the passage through them of cosmic radiation) many types of granite become electrically polarized, in other words they behave like galvanic cells or batteries. The potential difference can reach 700 millivolts, its size changing with the sidereal solar cycles.

By 1970 Brown had come to the conclusion that high-frequency gravitational radiation constantly generated by astronomical objects in outer space and captured by granite rocks, is also transformed into DC electricity.

As a result of these processes, the quartz in the crust, generating electromagnetic oscillations across a broad spectrum, creates an electromagnetic (energy) medium in which life exists and through which the interaction of all living things in the cosmos takes place.

This electromagnetic (energy) cocoon of the Earth is the carrier of oscillations associated with the source of life on Earth that stimulates the development of reason and numerous forms of life. It is this medium that is scanned by the alpha waves of the brain.

But the central factor in the process of mechanical action on the quartz in the core is so called 'Earth breathing'. Our planet 'breathes' like a living organism. The 'inhaling' and 'exhaling' are accompanied by propagation (passing) of special energetic impulse. This impulse generates a particular electromagnetic wave which has a strict period (cyclicality) that imparts a certain rhythm to all processes occurring in the biosphere and Noosphere. This rhythm plays a very important role in the life functions of the planet, determining the planet's own frequency in low-frequency range.

Through harmonic resonance and effect of an induction, electromagnetic and energetic waves of the Earth, are induced (transferred) to the Wands of Horus and to the person energy structure, render stimulating effect on the organism in whole (correction of biological rhythms). At the same time, when we hold the Wands of Horus in our hands, under the influence of the human biological field through the projection of the corresponding energetic centres, located in the palms, they begin to activate the 6th and 7th chakras, and the 6th and 7th energy structures connected to those chakras.

On the physical plane there is stimulation of the hypothalamus and hypophysis as they are projections of those energy centres in the physical human body.

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From A.V. Leontovich's work it follows that an electric wave that excites an individual "nerve element" also excites its neighbour, arousing the same process in it, since the nerve also responds to extraneous currents with suitable electrical properties. "This bio-induction reaches a maximum in the terminal organs, in the organs of transmission. And it is hard to imagine," Leontovich remarks, "that it does not involve such universal processes as the phenomenon of resonance.
From A.V. Leontovich's work it follows that an electric wave that excites an individual "nerve element" also excites its neighbour, arousing the same process in it, since the nerve also responds to extraneous currents with suitable electrical properties. "This bio-induction reaches a maximum in the terminal organs, in the organs of transmission. And it is hard to imagine," Leontovich remarks, "that it does not involve such universal processes as the phenomenon of resonance.
This effect is indirectly illustrated by the ground-breaking results of Robert O. Becker experiments on rats. This research began by amputating one of the animal's front limbs. Under normal conditions the lost limbs of mammals do not regenerate. Becker created an artificial connection in the stump between the nerves and the skin by passing a weak permanent current through it (slightly larger than the natural current in cells). As a result new limbs grew in place of the amputated limbs. This showed that in mammals too gentle electrical stimulation is capable of removing the barriers between cells of different tissue types.

This process is managed by those sections of the brain that appeared earliest of all in the course of evolution. The "command post" located there (the hypothalamus and hypophysis) sends impulses of current through a network of conducting tissues that runs through the entire body of both animals and humans. This network is made up of the connecting tissue of the central nervous system. The central nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord and is supported by a three-dimensional framework of neurogliar cells. Through this network "damage reports" arrive in the brain. By the same channel the centre sends signals controlling the regeneration. Evidently this process takes place faster than the simple exchange of nerve impulses. Since each impulse is preceded by an initiating electrical potential that enables the nerve to transmit its own signal.

These initiating potentials are caused by processes of an electrical nature occurring in biological semiconductors.

This effect is indirectly illustrated by the ground-breaking results of Robert O. Becker experiments on rats. This research began by amputating one of the animal's front limbs. Under normal conditions the lost limbs of mammals do not regenerate. Becker created an artificial connection in the stump between the nerves and the skin by passing a weak permanent current through it (slightly larger than the natural current in cells). As a result new limbs grew in place of the amputated limbs. This showed that in mammals too gentle electrical stimulation is capable of removing the barriers between cells of different tissue types.

This process is managed by those sections of the brain that appeared earliest of all in the course of evolution. The "command post" located there (the hypothalamus and hypophysis) sends impulses of current through a network of conducting tissues that runs through the entire body of both animals and humans. This network is made up of the connecting tissue of the central nervous system. The central nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord and is supported by a three-dimensional framework of neurogliar cells. Through this network "damage reports" arrive in the brain. By the same channel the centre sends signals controlling the regeneration. Evidently this process takes place faster than the simple exchange of nerve impulses. Since each impulse is preceded by an initiating electrical potential that enables the nerve to transmit its own signal.

These initiating potentials are caused by processes of an electrical nature occurring in biological semiconductors.

A quartz crystal possesses some unique properties: when compressed it produces an electrical impulse and when acted upon by an electrical current it contracts. Thus a crystal can be made to expand and contract – oscillate – under the influence of electricity.

Today pieces of rock crystal are extensively used in industry and radio technology, where sheets of piezo-quartz capture ultrasonic waves and turn them into electrical signals.

A quartz crystal possesses some unique properties: when compressed it produces an electrical impulse and when acted upon by an electrical current it contracts. Thus a crystal can be made to expand and contract – oscillate – under the influence of electricity.

Today pieces of rock crystal are extensively used in industry and radio technology, where sheets of piezo-quartz capture ultrasonic waves and turn them into electrical signals.

Every cell in a living organism is a generator of electromagnetic radiation commensurate with the linear dimensions of the cell itself.

Every organ has its own particular biological rhythm. These oscillations take place in the high frequency ranges. Different processes inside cells and chemical reactions have different frequencies of oscillation. Any changes in the organism begin precisely with a disruption of the biological rhythm that then leads to disruptions in the functioning of this or that organ. The reasons for disruptions in the biorhythms can be of various character – internal: incorrect lifestyle, diet and so on, or external – myostimulation, strong electromagnetic radiation, nervous stress, ecology and the like. But all these factors have a direct effect on a person's bio-rhythms and therefore on his or her health.
Every cell in a living organism is a generator of electromagnetic radiation commensurate with the linear dimensions of the cell itself.

Every organ has its own particular biological rhythm. These oscillations take place in the high frequency ranges. Different processes inside cells and chemical reactions have different frequencies of oscillation. Any changes in the organism begin precisely with a disruption of the biological rhythm that then leads to disruptions in the functioning of this or that organ. The reasons for disruptions in the biorhythms can be of various character – internal: incorrect lifestyle, diet and so on, or external – myostimulation, strong electromagnetic radiation, nervous stress, ecology and the like. But all these factors have a direct effect on a person's bio-rhythms and therefore on his or her health.
Folklore and oral tradition in Arab countries asserts that music and sounds were used in the construction of most ancient unique edifices.

After the completion of some room an instrument (tuning device) capable of producing particular notes was brought in. From the quality of the sound (the acoustics, the depth and duration of the sound) it was possible to draw conclusions about the resonance properties of the room, in other words about the product of the construction work. If the result was unsatisfactory further work would be carried out until the room began to "ring".

In this context it is worth mentioning Doctor Joseph Martin Shore's expedition to the Giza plateau and the Valley of the Kings.

Shore's experiments in the large "burial chamber" of the Pyramid of Cheops produced sensational results. They showed that the pyramid was perhaps constructed as a generator or amplifier of certain sonic frequencies. Shore's group managed to identify four main frequencies (notes) amplified by the edifice and used for its material construction. The notes form the chord of F sharp major, which, according to some Ancient Egyptian texts, harmonises with our planet's own vibratory frequency. ENTERPRISE MISSION (material published in Russian newspaper NLO, Issue 1, 1998, p. 11)

Folklore and oral tradition in Arab countries asserts that music and sounds were used in the construction of most ancient unique edifices.

After the completion of some room an instrument (tuning device) capable of producing particular notes was brought in. From the quality of the sound (the acoustics, the depth and duration of the sound) it was possible to draw conclusions about the resonance properties of the room, in other words about the product of the construction work. If the result was unsatisfactory further work would be carried out until the room began to "ring".

In this context it is worth mentioning Doctor Joseph Martin Shore's expedition to the Giza plateau and the Valley of the Kings.

Shore's experiments in the large "burial chamber" of the Pyramid of Cheops produced sensational results. They showed that the pyramid was perhaps constructed as a generator or amplifier of certain sonic frequencies. Shore's group managed to identify four main frequencies (notes) amplified by the edifice and used for its material construction. The notes form the chord of F sharp major, which, according to some Ancient Egyptian texts, harmonises with our planet's own vibratory frequency. ENTERPRISE MISSION (material published in Russian newspaper NLO, Issue 1, 1998, p. 11)

It was stated earlier that a person's "aura" or "bio-field" is the product of the interaction of the vibrations of various energy bodies in the human energy system. Nervous stress, incorrect diet and overeating, and much else that has a negative effect on the human organism disrupt the rhythms of the vibrations of organs, systems and energy bodies.

An important aspect of the influence that the Wands of Horus exert on the human organism lies in the fact that the activation of the energy system prompted by the Wands increases the intensity with which the energy flow is absorbed. As a result the aura increases in size, which allows natural flows of energy, interacting with the aura, to restored disrupted bio-energy rhythms.
It was stated earlier that a person's "aura" or "bio-field" is the product of the interaction of the vibrations of various energy bodies in the human energy system. Nervous stress, incorrect diet and overeating, and much else that has a negative effect on the human organism disrupt the rhythms of the vibrations of organs, systems and energy bodies.

An important aspect of the influence that the Wands of Horus exert on the human organism lies in the fact that the activation of the energy system prompted by the Wands increases the intensity with which the energy flow is absorbed. As a result the aura increases in size, which allows natural flows of energy, interacting with the aura, to restored disrupted bio-energy rhythms